Fire Science

Introduction to Public Safety
Fee: $25
Grades: 9-12
A one-credit course designed to introduce students to the competencies related to public service job preparatory programs. Students develop knowledge and skills in fire management services, legal services, and law enforcement services.
Fire Fighting 1
Fee: $25
Grades: 10-12
A one-credit course designed to provide students with instruction in techniques of firefighting. Emphasis is placed on safety, fire prevention and control, hazardous materials, sprinkler systems, first responder, and public relations.
RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Public Safety; Physical Required by Physician
Fire Fighting 2
Fee: $25
Grades: 10-12
A one-credit course designed to provide students with expanded information in the fire service organization, fire ground environment, firefighter safety, the science of fire, and fire behavior. Specific course topics surveyed and demonstrated through practical exercises include forcible entry, ground ladders, and tactical ventilation; fire and loss control; determination of origins and causes of fires; firefighter survival; and dealing with hazardous material and weapons of mass destruction.
RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE: Fire Fighting 2; Physical Required by Physician
Fire Science 1
Fee: $25
Grades: 10-12
A one-credit course designed to provide students with information regarding career possibilities in firefighting and instruction in firefighting techniques. Topics include emergency care provider; fire service history and orientation; fire department communications; fire behavior; firefighter safety and health; personal protective equipment, portable for extinguishers; water supply; fire hose and streams; fire life safety initiative; building construction; ground ladders; ropes and knots; and structure search and victim removal.
RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE: Intro to Public Safety; Physical Required by Physician
Fire Science 2
Fee: $25
Grades: 10-12
A one-credit course designed to provide students with advanced instruction and opportunities to demonstrate fire-fighting techniques. Topics include forcible entry; tactical ventilation; fire control; fire origin and causes; firefighter survival; hazards, behavior, and identification of hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction; and hazardous material operations, product control and personal protective equipment.
RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE: Fire Science 1; Physical Required by Physician
Emergency Services and Management
Fee: $25
Grades: 10-12
A one-credit course that introduces students to the emergency medical profession. Course content emphasizes safety, human structure and function, assessment of emergency clients, ethical behavior, and emergency care procedures.
PREREQUISITE: Intro to Public Safety and Teacher Recommendation